
Request a Quote

Group Package

If you are part of a Group Life or Group Health Plan, you will receive discounts on your motor insurance policy as well as FREE extensions. 
Click here to view more details.  

10 for 12 or 5 for 6 Options

Get that ride you've always wanted while saving! Click here to view more details. 

Switch Earn Save

Get the same or better premiums, discounts transferred, PLUS save by having your current DEDUCTIBLE REDUCED. 
Click here to view more details. 

Reducing Deductible

With an Assuria's motor insurance coverage you are rewarded for driving safely with a reduction on your premium plus a REDUCTION ON YOU DEDUCTIBLE. 
Click here to view more details. 

Electric Cycle Insurance

Legally required coverage from as low as GYD $500. Click here to view more details.